IFD5000i Before requesting a repair or Exchange for any blade from the R9 system, always record the config settings. When performing the software update to a new release: 1) record the config setting (see attachment) 2) perform the software update (service bulletin) 3) download the Config Tool for the software…
The majority of off repairs for the ACD215 R9 Keyboard are for the orange dots on the screen. - Shops / Techs should never press on the LCD screen when removing and installing the ACD215 Keyboard, as this may result in the orange or black spots on the LCD. This is considered customer induced. Pilots - repeated tappin…
IFD-5000i R-9, SkyTrax-200 Interface When updating an IFD-5000i R-9.4.x Integrated Flight Display System, replacing the outdated MLB-700 WSI WX Satellite Receiver with a new Skytrax-200 FIS-B WX Receiver, it is strongly suggested that the L-3 SkyWatch wiring should not be altered and the SkyWatch should be retained…
See attachment for illustration of the R9
On most aircraft we suppress alternator alerts below 1400 RPM. On the Cirrus, at least one alt (# 2) is suppressed below 2000 RPM. On the R9, the Alternator display will show as an Amber color, but does NOT show the associated CAS Message below the above thresholds.
R9 Pilot Guide is on avidyne.com select Support, them select Pilot Guide. I would like to understand how best to update the databases. ---- The Data Base Updates are obtained, by subscription, from Jeppesen. Jepp Direct [Sales/JDM] 800-353-2107 You will need an 8GB USB thumb drive formatted to FAT-32…
Avidyne Dealers will need to access the dealers website to retrieve the appropriate software config tool. Check the unit software level to determine the correct tool that is required: 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.1
IFD-5000i R-9.4.1 NavData...... Do to the increased size of the Jeppesen NavData bases, Avidyne has updated the NavData Storage Location within the IFD-5000i R-9.4.1 Integrated Flight Displays. Prior to R-9.4.1 the NavData was stored on the smaller Memory Chip located on the main Airborne Computing Resource (AC…