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Showing articles from R9 tag

IFD5000i R9 system

7/31/2024: the NGT9000 is not supported on the R9 system. There are no plans to support the NGT9000 on the R9 equipped aircraft.

Avidyne R9 in Extra aircraft

Updated: 1/31/2025 The Avidyne AutoPilot DFC100 has never been installed/certified on the EA500. Therefore, the DFC100 cannot be added to the stack. Request to move the Extra R9 from 9.3.X to 9.4.X has been approved by Extra, inquiries must be directed to Extra. See the Extra Service Bulletin for the specific on…

R9 with Artex 406 MHz ELT

Artex 406 MHz ELT into an aircraft equipped with IFD-5000i (R-9) System. The Pins, J1121, 86/87, are  Data  OUTPUT  pins [GPS Position] and may be paralleled. Simply add the additional twisted pair to send the GPS Position Data to the new Artex ME-183.

IFD5000i uncommanded ident

In release 9.4.2, there have been reports from pilots of uncommanded Ident occurrences. This is being addressed in the next release for 9.4. There is no release date.

R9 - Blade removal and installation

Avidyne dealers must access the dealer portal, click on Products, then the R9. Once the page loads, find document Number 600-00234-004 latest revision for basic troubleshooting and the Blade removal and installation procedures.

R9 Comparator error

In a dual ADAHRs please put both the R9 in PFD mode and ADAHRS select to auto. - find the difference between the two.  - If you find a difference in air data - perform the ADU Cal  - if the Attitude has the difference - perform the IRU Cal - if the Heading is off - perform the Mag Cal - if you do the IRU Cal you…

IFD5000i DVX Connectors

Before removing the R9 system from the aircraft the technician removing the unit should label the connectors, this is essential for a quick reinstallation of the R9 back into the aircraft. For the DVX, there are 4-coax connectors: Com J145 Nav J141 Glideslope J142 Not used J143 (marker beacon - no longer used) …

R9 - Aircraft Configuration Module ACM

Shops should remove the ACM100 prior to sending in the entire R9 for repair. Any ACM100 lost, stolen or damaged, cannot be replaced, as we have no inventory of the product.

R9 - Dark Screen

Pilots are required to see and Avidyne Dealer to troubleshoot the dark screen. When talking to your shop, ensure you tell them the date and time it occurred, if the bezel lights remain lit, or if you have/had other issues before the screen goes out.

R9 - ACD215 Keyboard

When the ACD215 shows the message RAM Test Failed, the ACD215 needs to be returned for repair. Pilots will need to use an Avidyne Dealer on then select the Find a Dealer at the top of the page. - Send a photo of the error to [email protected] - Did this occur after an update? - Does the message…

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