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Showing articles from MFD tag

MFD Compact Flash Card; How to find

Dealers unfamiliar with the Avidyne Entegra MFD (EX5000 series) may not know where to find the location of the Compact Flash card compartment. Below is a photo showing the location: For Columbia, the panel is on top of the MFD, if the CF card has a warranty sticker, please contact Avidyne tech support.

Entegra EX5000 Terrain Databases

For updates to the Terrain information on the Entegra's (EX5000, EX500, etc.) please contact Jeppesen. The terrain update can take upwards of one and a half (1.5) hours, you must have an external power source. If power goes off during the update: The EX500 - your shop will have to call Duncan to have the unit sent …

MFD Datalink Weather display

Refer to the latest pilots guide for the most accurate information regarding Datalink Weather.

Entegra MFD EX5000 Charts Tab

Frequently asked questions on Charts: 1) I do not use charts on my MFD, I have a Charts Tab, how do I get rid of Update Required (see photo). If Jeppesen Charts are not installed on the MFD, pilots will need to work with their Avionics Shop. A technician from the shop will need to assist in programming the unit…

MFD 8.2 - ADSB

Updating the MFD for ADSB support - frequently sought after details Details provided below are subject to change, please check back before starting any installation to verify you are using the latest versions (software and documents) Below are locations on site (only authorized personnel with dea…

MFD 8.2 OEM Setup software

Attached, please find the Entegra and Envision 8.2 Install Manual and the current Service Bulletin for installing 8.2. OEM setup and Save and Restore utility are in the attachment section of this article. ***NOTE*** When unzipping  the OEM setup (570-00147-000), do not transfer the .txt file to the USB, only downlo…

EX5000 MFD - Changing fuel from gallons to liters

On the initial usable fuel page you see on power up, you should see a button on the left side of the display labeled "Fuel Units".  This button can be used to toggle between gallons and liters.

EX5000 Broken Knobs

Knobs for 2 knob EXP5000 or EX5000 850-00214-000 kit (2 knobs in each kit). Individual PNs are 130-00230-000. Knobs for EX500/EX600/EX5000 with Radar 850-00214-001 kit (2 inner and 2 outer knobs in each kit). Individual PNs: Outer knob 130-00231-000. Inner knob 130-00232-000. These knobs can be ordered from our…

MFD XM Weather

XM Weather basic troubleshooting: 1) check the date and time on the MFD to ensure the time is within 3-4 minutes of UTC. - Use the Display Time button on the AUX page to set the time. Aircraft needs to be outside and away from obstacles that will prevent the GPS signal from being received. - Change to Manual, set …

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