Piper PA46-350: "TIME","LAT","LON","PALT","TIT","C1","C2","C3","C4","C5","C6","OILT","OILP","RPM","OAT","MAP","FF","USED","AMP1","AMP2","AMPB","VOLTS","FQL","FQR","VAC","WOW PA46-500TP does not use EMax (Engine Data), shops access the engine data via the DB9 connection, as the engine data is in the S-Tec/Meggitt DA…
Piper PA46-350: "TIME","LAT","LON","PALT","TIT","C1","C2","C3","C4","C5","C6","OILT","OILP","RPM","OAT","MAP","FF","USED","AMP1","AMP2","AMPB","VOLTS","FQL","FQR","VAC","WOW
Percent Power on a Piper Aircraft Flying the aircraft a little rich may not show percent power. The DAU must have good signals from the following: MAP RPM FUEL FLOW OAT PRESSURE ALTITUDE You can verify all but the Pressure Altitude by just insuring you Have them displayed on the MFD Engine Page. The…
Percent Power on a Piper Aircraft Flying the aircraft a little rich may not show percent power. The DAU must have good signals from the following: MAP RPM FUEL FLOW OAT PRESSURE ALTITUDE You can verify all but the Pressure Altitude by just insuring you have them displayed on the MFD Engine Page. The Percent…
If the MFD has a message that says "DAU Not Configured for Aircraft Type" or something to that effect. Have shop check the Aircraft Type Designator / Strapping wire per the Piper Maintenance Manual. This is nothing more than a ground wire that configures the aircraft type. For Example Piper Seminole DAU Connecto…