07/15/2024 Avidyne Corporation emailed all pilots confirming the end of services/support for the MLX770 product. - In 2015 Avidyne ended all new hardware sales of the MXL770. - In 2022 Avidyne ended all hardware repairs and exchanges of the MLX770. - On July 12,2024 Avidyne announced the end of all subscription s…
July 12, 2024 Avidyne Corporation announces the end of service and support for the MLX770: MLX770 fees for Activation and coverage: If you wish to subscribe the following will be required: • Activation fee is $375.00 (one time fee). • Then monthly recurring charges of Standard MLX Weather @ $69.99 …
Avidyne Multi-Function Displays (MFD), part number 700-00004-XXX or 700-00030-X0X (the information below is from Avidyne's service bulletin 601-00004-107 Revision 3; accessible to dealers and avionic shops) The MFD to provide all existing functionality of previous MFD software levels, including optional functions, e…