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How to Calibrate an analog OBS on the IFD

The following does not apply to the KI208A or KI209A indicators. If you get continual messages on the IFD to "Set Course To xxx" and your analog CRS is set correctly, it likely means you need to calibrate your OBS input. You will need to boot the IFD into Mx mode, and toggle to the "Config" tab.  From here you wi…

IFD How to find "GPS Status" or "Datalink Status" Page

You'll want to go to the "Aux" page group, then go to the "System" tab. From there you will see a "Status" button on the lower left side of the display.  It defaults to "Status - Software". You'll want to cycle that key until it shows "Status - GPS". This is also where you can find your datalink status (by…

What is required to get wind vectors on IFD?

Wind Vector datablock operates on pure dynamic data, regardless of what's entered in the Air Data Calculator. The Air Data Calculator items will get populated via the air data source - note the green-colored parameters as the air data sourced items. In the examples below, I set the HDG to 280 in the Air Data Calcu…

IFD540; IFD440 FMS Pages (Flight Plan)

FMS Centric Calculations The FMS presumes there is intent to fly the flight plan as created. All deviation data, most data block data and the times to go and fuel calculations are all based on that assumption. CREATING A NEW FLIGHT PLAN The first time the “Flight Plan” tab of the FMS page is accessed followi…

IFD5xx/4xx displays No TIS-B message (TIS-B (or TRFC) in a circle with a line through it)

Open the Attached PDF for more information on TIS-B "TRFC" or "TIS-B" will be displayed depending on your IFD software version, but the indications have the exact same meaning. The No TIS-B (or TRFC) indicator is not an error message, just an indication that we are not receiving service to the hockey puck s…

IFD-540/440 interface to FreeFlight FDL-978 "Ranger"

IFD-5xx/4xx <--> FDL-978 The Following Interface Information is "FOR REFERENCE USE ONLY" and is not FAA Approved Data.  Please see the applicable STC Installation manuals, or other Approved documentation for installation approval. FDL-978  Configurations begin with section 3.5.x.x.x Pg 3-20 Serial  GPS IN : RS…

ForeFlight Traffic Showing Incorrect Altitude After Update

When connecting to ForeFlight with the IFD and an ADS-B input, ForeFlight will recognize two devices (Avidyne IFD and ADS-B). Users seem to be experiencing altitude / GPS problems because in some cases, ForeFlight will use the ADSB stream as the default GPS position as opposed to the IFD GPS data, which is more accur…

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