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Showing articles from ifd tag

IFD4XX/5XX Demo Mode When Installed in an Aircraft

You're using demo endpoint of Iframely API commercially. Max-width is limited to 320px. Please get your own API key at Please read the attached Service Information Letter 606-00182-026 and be advised that before putting an IFD4XX or IFD5XX in demo mode when the IFD is installed in an aircraft that you must turn off t…

Auto Squelch on Avidyne IFDs

The Auto Squelch feature on an Avidyne IFD (Integrated Flight Display) is a function that automatically adjusts the radio squelch threshold to eliminate background noise and improve the clarity of communications. The squelch function is designed to mute the audio output of a radio until a signal above a certain th…

iPad Applications Compatible with the IFD

The Avidyne IFD 4XX/5XX  Series Navigators are equipped with WIFI and compatible with a number of iPad applications. Our list of current compatible applications are as follows: * IFD100 * ForeFlight * FltPlanGo * Seattle Avionics FlyQ * Cloud Ahoy * OzRunways (Australian app) * SkyDemon (Europe app).

IFD4XX/5XX Demo Mode When Installed in an Aircraft

You're using demo endpoint of Iframely API commercially. Max-width is limited to 320px. Please get your own API key at Please read the attached Service Information Letter 606-00182-026 and be advised that before putting an IFD4XX or IFD5XX in demo mode when the IFD is installed in an aircraft that you must turn off…

IFD540/440 Shared Data in Dual installations "Cross-sync"

The Following Interface Information is "FOR REFERENCE USE ONLY" and is not FAA Approved Data.  Please see the applicable STC Installation manuals, or other Approved documentation for installation approval. In installations with dual IFDs, the #1 IFD is the "master" and the #2 IFD is the "slave," though data is share…

Jeppesen Free 60-Day Trial

Avidyne and Jeppesen have partnered up to provide new Avidyne Customers with 60 days of free Jeppesen databases! To register for your free 60-Day Trial, Click the link below: Free 60-Day Jeppesen Trial Make sure to include all of the Avidyne equipment in the aircraft, including serial numbers. Once you submit…

Installing IFD options problem - Load says "IFD appears to not be installed in aircraft Nxxxxx"

Installing IFD options problem - Load says "IFD appears to not be installed in aircraft Nxxxxx" In this scenario, the IFD is reporting that the aircraft tail number used to create the options/dsf file does not match the current IFD configuration on "Main System Config Page 3" as shown below: The aircraft ta…

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